Thursday, 12 February 2015

1A and 1B example questions.

In question 1(a) you need to write about your work for the Foundation Portfolio and Advanced Portfolio units and you may refer to other media production work you have undertaken.

1 (a) Describe a range of creative decisions that you made in post-production and how these decisions made a difference to the final outcomes. Refer to a range of examples in your answer to show how these skills developed over time. [25]

In question 1(b) you need to choose one of your media productions to write about.

1(b) Analyse one of your coursework productions in relation to genre. [25]

Advice from the exam board:
Generally, this should cover not just generic conventions of the particular sub-genre of their product but should include ideas about how genres develop/evolve (in relation to their particular product (e.g. Changing sub-genres of music video, magazines) and how institutions use genre to target audiences.

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